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Being Responsive to your Bookkeeper

My biggest piece of advice to get the most from your bookkeeping relationship?

Pay attention and be responsive.

If your books aren't up-to-date and correct...

1. You can't review your financials.

2. You can't compare to your forecast.

3. You can't find problems with your assumptions.

4. You can't adjust your forecast.

5. You might think you know your costs, but you probably don't.

Do you answer your bookkeeper's emails?

- What's your inventory balance?

- What's this new SKU?

- Help me classify these "Uncategorized Transactions."

- Send me statement copies.

These are all questions you may be getting from your bookkeeper.

If you don't understand, ask the questions.

If you need a call to discuss, request it.

If you don't, your bookkeeper can't perform at the level they want...

And you're doing yourself and your brand a disservice.

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